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Zach graduated from UC Davis School of Law (King Hall) where he earned the Environment & Natural Resources Law Certificate, the King Hall Pro Bono Program Certificate, and the King Hall Public Service Program Certificate. Zach served as the Co-Chair of the Water Association of Law and Policy, as an executive editor of the Environs Law and Policy Journal, and as the Environmental Law Society’s Symposium Co-Chair. In addition, he was a member of the King Hall Moot Court Honor’s Board and was named the Outstanding Overall Appellate Advocate in the 54th Annual Irving L. Neumiller Memorial Moot Court Competition. Zach is passionate about water law. Zach earned the top grade in his water law course at King Hall and served as a teaching assistant in UC Davis’s undergraduate water law class. Before coming to BKS, Zach worked as a student law clerk at Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger, LLP; the Office of Chief Counsel at the State Water Resources Control Board; Center for Biological Diversity; Food & Water Watch; and Center for Food Safety. While in law school, Zach worked as a research assistant in Federal Indian Law for Professor Katherine Florey and in Environmental Law for Professor Albert Lin. Currently, Zach is an associate focused primarily on water resources matters but he also provides support for BKS’s general counsel practice.J.D., University of California, Davis School of Law, 2024.B.S., Arizona State University, 2013.Jenny Dao & Zach Castagnola-Johnson, Knick v. Township of Scott: The End of a Legal Catch-22 and What This Means for Future Fifth Amendment Takings Cases, Environs Envtl. L. & Pol’y J. Fall 2022